How to pronounce Communex setup on Ubuntu / Linux ?

Commune X is a lightweight alternative to Commune that works together with Commune without competing against it. Let's dive into the setup process!

Jan 30, 2024 - 06:47
Aug 28, 2024 - 03:13
How to pronounce Communex setup on Ubuntu / Linux ?
Commun X

In today's tutorial, we’ll walk you through a quick guide on setting up Commun X on Ubuntu. Commun X is a lightweight alternative to Commun that works together with Commun without competing against it. Let's dive into the setup process!

Getting Started with Ubuntu 22.04

This guide is designed for Ubuntu 22.04, the desktop version. Whether you use the terminal directly, SSH, or any other method to access your Linux installation, we’ll be focusing on the terminal for this tutorial. So, open up your terminal and let's get started.

Update and Upgrade Your System

Before we do anything, it's crucial to follow best practices by updating and upgrading your system. Run the following commands:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

Installing pip

The next step is to install pip. Afterward, you'll need to update your path. For efficiency, copy and paste the commands from the guide instead of typing them manually. Here’s how you do it:

sudo apt install python3-pip

Updating the bash RC File

To ensure the new path is loaded on reboot, you need to update the bash RC file. Open your preferred text editor (we use Nano) and add the export command at the end of the file:

nano ~/.bashrc

Add the following line at the end of the file:

export PATH=$PATH:/new/path

Save and exit (Ctrl+X, then Y, and Enter).

Installing Commun X

Now comes the challenging part, installing Commun X. Fortunately, it's quite straightforward:

pip install communx

After running this command, Commun X will be installed on your system.

Setting Up Keys for Commun X

To use Commun X, you need a key. If you don't have Commun installed and therefore don't have a key locally, you can create one easily:

comx key create

This command creates a key and stores it in the appropriate folder. However, you might encounter permission issues. To resolve this, ensure you are the owner of the Commun folder:

sudo chown -R : ~/.commun

Replace with your actual username.

Final Thoughts

After setting up Commun X, you'll notice the clean and user-friendly CLI interface. The user interface is a significant enhancement, making it easy to understand and navigate.

In conclusion, Commun X is a lightweight version of Commun designed for easy installation and user accessibility. It's important to remember that Commun X complements Commun and doesn't compete with it. The collaborative effort behind Commun X simplifies the user experience, making it beneficial for everyone.

Thank you for following along with this guide. We hope it was helpful. See you next time!

 Source : @Eden.